Newsletter Back Issues

September 2021 Newsletter: Rare and Special Garnets

Submitted by admin on Wed, 08/11/2021 - 10:30

Many gemstone buyers associate Garnet with the deep red stones that were popular in European jewelry in the 18th and 19th centuries. However, there are some rare Garnet varieties that are much sought after by gem dealers and collectors. These varieties include the chrome green Tsavorite Garnet, the mandarin orange Spessartite Garnet and the vivid Purple Garnet. If you think Garnet is rather common, these rare and special Garnets will change your mind.

May 2021 Newsletter: Blue-Green Tourmaline from Namibia

Submitted by admin on Mon, 03/29/2021 - 15:47

Recently some extraordinary blue Tourmaline has been discovered in Namibia in southern Africa. They include some pure blues, some teal blues and some wonderful blue-green gems that inspire color descriptions like mint, lagoon, vivid and vibrant. Over the years we have seen fine blue-green Tourmaline from Nigeria, Mozambique, Brazil and Afghanistan. But this Namibian material is among the most beautiful and vivid we've seen.

December 2020 Newsletter: Rare Burma Ruby

Submitted by admin on Thu, 11/05/2020 - 10:55

Why are natural Rubies so valuable? The color red, long associated with fire, passion and energy, is one of the rarest colors in the gems world. The purest reds are the Rubies from an area in Burma known as the Mogok Stone Tract, about 200 km north of Mandalay. This region has been famous for centuries for fine pigeon blood ruby with a distinctive fluorescence.

September 2020 Newsletter: Cabochon Gems

Submitted by admin on Wed, 08/05/2020 - 10:08

In the long history of gemstones, faceted gems are a relatively recent innovation. Gems were not cut with multiple faces in a geometrical pattern until the invention of the horizontal cutting wheel in the 15th century. Prior to that, gems were mainly fashioned as cabochons, a smooth domed shape with a flat base. Even though most fine gemstones are now faceted, cabochons are still popular. You will find them mainly in varieties like Moonstone, Opal and Turquoise, as well as in Star Sapphire, Star Ruby and Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye.

July 2020 Newsletter: Varieties of Quartz

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/08/2020 - 10:37

Quartz is one of the most common minerals on earth, second only to feldspar. In fact Quartz makes up about 12 percent of the land surface and about 20 percent of the Earth's crust. Quartz has been prized as a gemstone since antiquity because of the wide range of colors and the fact that it has excellent hardness and durability, allowing it to polish well. It also has many industrial uses, in electronics, glassware, optics and as a crystal ocsillator in clocks.

April 2020 Newsletter: Fiery Gems

Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/03/2020 - 10:21

In the world of colored gemstones, brilliance is a good thing. So is fire. But they are actually not the same thing, and if you want to be a gems expert, it's worth knowing the difference. The term "brilliance" refers to the light that is reflected from the interior of a gem, not from its surface. The term "fire" refers to the ability of a gem to split light into the colors of the spectrum. The technical term used in gemology for fire is dispersion.

February 2020 Newsletter: Fabulous Garnets

Submitted by admin on Tue, 01/14/2020 - 14:27

High quality Garnets are completely natural and untreated, with very good clarity and transparency and outstanding brilliance. The rarer Garnets in bright and vivid colors are the favorites of designers of fine jewelry. The colors range from the emerald green of Tsavorite to the mandarin orange of Spessartite to the rich red of Rhodolite and the intense violet of Royal Purple Garnet. Fabulous!

October 2019 Newsletter: Mexican Fire Opal

Submitted by admin on Tue, 09/10/2019 - 10:50

Mexican Opals are known for their vivid yellow, orange or orange-red colors. The intense color has earned this gem the nickname Fire Opal. Unlike precious opal, Mexican Opal does not usually exhibit a play of color. But it makes up for this with its remarkable body color. It is the one of the few varieties of opal that can successfully be faceted, as some specimens exhibit considerable transparency.

June 2019 Newsletter: Romantic Pink Sapphire

Submitted by admin on Fri, 05/03/2019 - 17:10

Pink Sapphires are nearly as rare as rubies and are sought after by collectors, especially for special occasion jewelry like engagement and anniversary rings. One reason is that pink sapphire can have a similar look to the very expensive pink diamond, with excellent brilliance and sparkle. But pink sapphire is not only more affordable than pink diamond, it can also be found in larger sizes and with much better color saturation.

January 2018 Newsletter: Fine Kunzite from Afghanistan

Submitted by admin on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 17:31

If you are looking for a fine pink gemstone in a very large size, kunzite may be just what you're looking for. While pink tourmaline can sometimes be found in large sizes, kunzite is common over 10 carats and specimens over 20 carats can often be found from specialized dealers. It's also a very affordable gem, even in large sizes.